FLAGS SPEAKS VOLUME, THEY REPRESENT A NATION – PEOPLE, CULTURE/IDENTITY, GOVERNMENT, BELIEF SYSTEM etc.  If you see the TWO flags above, you will automatically think of UNITED STATES & ISRAEL!  The 3rd Flag represents people who are uniting to Pray and declare God’s kingdom to come in every community in all the nations. (Matth.6:10; Rev. 11:214-15)

Nations are in the seven continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.  Then WHY PRAYING FOR AFRICA FLAG? 

This is because of God’s divine position of the continent in the salvation story and that of Church history.  Also, her importance in the scientific and anthropological evidences reveal Africa incubates the Creation story.  Christians ought to pray for her to fulfill her end time assignment to bring revival in nations and be a refuge for many.  The Bible shows  howIsrael became a nation and prosperous in Africa, Baby Jesus was protected by her and how shehelped Himto carry the cross to Calvary.  Indeed, Africa is special in so many ways and we encourage all of you to pray for her.

This is why :

  • Africa is the original of the human race
  • Africa is the mother of civilization
  • Africa is the richest continent in the world
  • Africa has more nations than any other continent,

As we pray for her we are reminded to pray for the entire world.  God commanded us to ask HIM for NATIONS…Psalms 2:8;  72:8,11.  He is the one who will do the impossible.  ONCE A MONTHUNITE WITH OTHER IN YOUR CHURCH, MINISTRIES AND COMMUNITY TO PRAY & DECLARE YOUR NATION FOR JESUS& THANK GOD FOR HIS KINGDOM TO COVER EVERY SPHERE OF SOCIETY! ON THESE DATES WE WILL BE IN ONE ACCORD!

2021:   1/16;  2/20;  3/20;  4/17;  5/15;   6/19;  7/17;  8/21;  9/18;  10/16;  11/20;  12/18

2022:    1/15;  2/19;  3/19;  4/16;  5/21;    6/18; 7/16;  8/20;  9/17;  10/15;  11/19;  12/17

As we unite to decree His will,  nations will  bow(Phil. 2:10-11). On those dates, our focus is one –  to pray, decree and give thanks for God’s intervention in any situation of your community  & nation – as a fulfillment of John 17:21-23.   This is God’s simple strategy to unite His Body, make every effort to share with others in your locations. Amen!!