The Scriptures often present items in groups of three, whether in groups of people, things or time periods such as a day, a month or a year. Particular attention is given to the Third Day as a time in which significant happenings or spiritual activity took place. Number THREE is called “perfect number” like Seven, Ten and Twelve. Number Three points to what is solid, real and substantial. It also carries with it accompanying implication or expectation. Above all, number three signify completeness or finality -Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
At the same time, God’s divine unconditional covenants seem to be established in 2000years intervals. The Abrahamic covenant appeared 2000 years after Adam (Gen. 17), The New Testament Covenant sealed by the blood of Christ appears after 2000 years after Abraham. Since the New millennium, the Church is 2000 years after Calvary. Please note, all other covenants like with Noah and others, the plan of salvation is obscure, however the Abrahamic covenant is expanded to reveals the plan of salvation with greater clarity to become the reference covenant. The Mosaic, the Davidic, and the Restoration covenants are all explicitly grounded in the Abrahamic covenant. Because of the 2000 years covenant interval, we are in the 3rd Day according to God’s purpose of Kingdom agenda, we are in the last of the last days.
The concept of uniting to pray for the nations on the 3rd Saturday of every month did not originate with me nor was it given as a vision. In l993 God mandated me to unite the Body of Christ in the Washington Metropolitan Area to claim Africa for Jesus and other nations, especially America where I we live. It was an impossible task. Besides, no one thought it will be possible to unite African churches of different countries, so I refused. However God continue to persist and I had to yield because I thought it was a one-month assignment.
Indeed, God honored and many people gathered as I had prayed. Just before we finishedpraying, Again God spoke vividly, “Next month continue to do the same.” After we did for two times, November and December I was fulfilled I had obeyed and had no plan to continue because I was busy going into different nationson missions. Then January l994, God wrote dated on my bedroom wall and He told me to copy… it was not a vision; I literally took a legal pad and paper started copying dates from l994 to 2006. Of course, it took us few years to realize that all the dated were on the Third Saturday of every month!!!
Since then, God has done supernatural interventions in nations. Moreover He continues to speak on our need to unite on that day (read the extraordinary phenomena on this website) All those who call on the Name of the Lord, those who believe in the God who still speaks and want His Body to Unite for Kingdom agenda, we encourage you to include the 3rd Saturday Dates to declare Gods will and purpose upon your family, community, region/state and nation. That is not my idea nor my vision BUT I am just a Donkey for Jesus who is awakening His Body to do go an extra step to bring the unity anywhere they are. This what Jesus prayed for in John 17:21ff, if we are one, not uniformity. In your own vision and calling, add a simple step to enhance your prayer. The 3rd Saturday is to be used for Thanksgiving prayers and declarations. Praise God for the many prayer He has answered and those He is about to answer as you unite to transform yourselves and your society. God will do far much more as we focus to be thankful:
Deuteronomy 8:11‐18, Psalm 103:1‐5, Colossians 1:12; 3:15‐17, Luke 17:11‐19.
The dates below helps all of us to focus our prays to decree God’s will and give thanks for all what He has done and what He will do to intervene in any situation of your community & nation. As we unite in one accord to decree His Kingdom to be manifested, nationswill bow (Phil. 2:10-11)as a fulfillment of John 17:21-23. May God use you to bring unity for end time revival in your nation.
2021: 1/16; 2/20; 3/20; 4/17; 5/15; 6/19; 7/17; 8/21; 9/18; 10/16; 11/20; 12/18
2022: 1/15; 2/19; 3/19; 4/16; 5/21; 6/18; 7/16; 8/20; 9/17; 10/15; 11/19; 12/17
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