Africa for Jesus Prayer Movement :
You and me, together with God – we can change situations.
We are renewed-mind Christian Leaders, uniting on the 3rd Saturday of every month with thanksgiving prayers to decree God’s council upon all the spheres of life in order to help transform nations: politically, spiritually, economically to eliminate poverty, ignorance, diseases, corruption and injustice in (Name your Country) especially (Name Your Region)
Many prophecies have gone forth concerning Africa’s role for end time assignment. It is evident that prayers of His people have been heard, God want the church to align with the prophetic timing–A Kairos moment which must be seized before it is too late (II King 7:1–2). Once GOD has given a strategy, we are required to obey even if it does not make sense. The Third Saturday mandate is for Christians all over the world to unite for specific goals. Lift up the ChristianFlag of unity and transformation. Time is now for God to restore His people (Joel 2:18 –19, 21–26).
Creating Automatic Unity
The dates below helps all of us to focus our prays to decree and give thanks for all what God has done and also to intervene in any situation of your community & nation. As we unite in one accord to decree His will, nations will bow (Phil. 2:10-11)as a fulfillment of John 17:21-23. May God use you to bring Kingdom impact in your nation.
2021 : 1/16; 2/20; 3/20; 4/17; 5/15; 6/19; 7/17; 8/21; 9/18; 10/16; 11/20; 12/18
2022 : 1/15; 2/19; 3/19; 4/16; 5/21; 6/18; 7/16; 8/20; 9/17; 10/15; 11/19; 12/17
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